Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology

Papers Index - 2016 Edition (Vol. 6)

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Acceptance Rate: (to be calculated)


 Title: First Measurements of Cloud-RAN LTE Smallcells in an Indoor Stadium
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): J. Weitzen, N. Sutter, R. Wakim, A. Alkhatabih
[PDF File (1,424 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Performance Analysis of An Improved ICI CancellationScheme with I/Q imbalance Compensation in TFI-OFDM Systems
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): W. Wang, Y. Tian, C-J Ahn
[PDF File (653 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Polynomial Interpolation Methods for Wavelength Division Multiplex Mesh Networks with Dedicated Optical Path Protection
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): Stefanos Mylonakis
[PDF File (572 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Virtualization, User Association, and Rate Maximization for Massive MIMO SD-RAN with Limited Fronthaul Resources
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): H. Eghbali
[PDF File (1,066 KB)] - [Abstract]  
