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Acceptance Rate: 52%
Title: | Call Quality Measurement and Application in Telecommunication Network |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | A. Aburas, K. Al-Mashouq |
[PDF File (203 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Design and Analysis of Low Frequency Transmitter and Receiver for an Insecure Shallow Water Acoustic Channel of the Persian Gulf |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | A. D. Aref, M. J. Jannati, V. T. Vakili |
[PDF File (505 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Determination of the shortest balanced cycles in QC-LDPC codes Matrix |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | Gao Xiao, Zhang Nan |
[PDF File (226 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Indoor Seamless Roaming for VoIP Using IPv6 Location Assisted Network |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | N. H. A. Wahab, S. H. S. Ariffin, S. Hossein, N. S. A. Hassan, N. Fisal, S. K. Syed-Yusof, R. Rashid, L. A. Latiff, K. N. Choong, R. R. Mohamed |
[PDF File (459 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | NPCR and UACI Randomness Tests for Image Encryption |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | Y. Wu, J. P. Noonan, S. Agaian |
[PDF File (642 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Seamless Multimedia Communication Applications using Location Tracking Platform on IPv6 Network |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | S. Hossain, S. H. S. Ariffin, N. Fisal, K. N. Choong, S. A. H. Norhidayu, L. A. Latif |
[PDF File (628 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Securing the OLSR routing protocol for Ad Hoc Detecting and Avoiding Wormhole Attack |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | M. A. Ferrag, M. Nafaa |
[PDF File (287 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Two Stages Time Delay and Frequency Estimator for Multiple Sinusoids |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | T. Nizar, G. Hiren |
[PDF File (296 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Using NFC Technology for Fast-Tracking Large-Size Multi-Touch Screens |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | M. M. Organero, S. K. Opoku |
[PDF File (549 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Low-Power Multiphase-Delay-Locked-Loop with a Self- Biased Charge Pump and Wide-Range Linear Delay Element |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM) |
Author(s): | M. Moazedi, A. Abrishamifar, A. Ghanaatian |
[PDF File (541 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | In1-xGaxAs a next generation material for photodetectors |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM) |
Author(s): | B. K. Mishra1, L. Jolly, S. C. Patil |
[PDF File (437 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Novel Design of an ATmega32L Microcontroller Based Controller Circuit for the Motion Control of a Robot Arm Actuated by DC Motors |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Robotics and Control (JSRC) |
Author(s): | E. G. Ovy, S. Seeraji, S. M. Ferdous, M. Rokonuzzaman |
[PDF File (792 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Feature Extraction Method and Recognition Algorithm for Detection Unknown Worm and Variations based on Static Features |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Software Engineering (JSSE) |
Author(s): | T. C. Hung, D. X. Lam |
[PDF File (420 KB)] - [Abstract] | |