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Acceptance Rate: 60%
Title: | A Scheme to Estimate One-way Delay Variations for Diagnosing Network Traffic Conditions |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | M. Aoki, E. Oki |
[PDF File (542 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Simple Estimation Scheme for Upper Bound of Link Utilization Based on RTT Measurement |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | K. Igai, E. Oki |
[PDF File (613 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | An Algorithm for Optimizing Vertical Handoff between WLAN and Cellular Networks |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | E. Arabmakki, S. Rashad, S. Krijestorac |
[PDF File (586 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Enhanced Iterative-based ZP-OFDM Receiver in Multi-Relay Cooperative Networks |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | H. Eghbali, I. Abualhaol, S. Muhaidat |
[PDF File (619 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | GMM-CR-Based Semantic Image Retrieval and Annotation |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | F. Teimoori, A. A. B. Shirazi |
[PDF File (1,050 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | IR-HARQ vs. Joint Channel-Network coding for Cooperative Wireless Communication |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | M. S. AbuZeid, Y. A. Fahmy, M. M. S. El-Soudani |
[PDF File (408 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Network Management and Control Framework for Hybrid Converged Environment |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | S. A. Musthaq, C. Lohr, A. Gravey |
[PDF File (645 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Mismatched Wavelets: Information Hiding and Edge Detection |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | C. B. Smith, S. S. Agaian |
[PDF File (1,839 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Protocol Proxy for OSPF Emulation |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | S. Tsunoda, N. Kitsuwan, E. Oki, T. Miyamura, K. Shiomoto |
[PDF File (593 KB)] - [Abstract] | |