Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology

Papers Index - February 2013 Edition (Vol. 3, No. 2)

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Acceptance Rate: 43%

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 Title: Load Balancing Based on Clustering Methods for LTE Networks
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): O. Altrad, S. Muhaidat
[PDF File (800 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Next Generation Green Metro/Access Network Architecture using Time-slot-based Optical Aggregation Network for Multi-service Access
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): N. Yamanaka, H. Takeshita, K. Tokuhashi, T. Sato
[PDF File (782 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Continuous Integration Testing of Web Applications by Sanitizing Program Input
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Software Engineering (JSSE)
 Author(s): B. Falah, M. Hasri, S. Schwaiger
[PDF File (462 KB)] - [Abstract]  

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