Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology

Papers Index - November 2012 Edition

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Acceptance Rate: 43%

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 Title: Advanced multimedia solution for interactive teaching via whiteboards over IP network
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Software Engineering (JSSE)
 Author(s): D. Cymbalak, F. Jakab, M. Michalko
[PDF File (490 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Applying FPGA to Implement Real-Time Infrared Tracking of Moving Objects
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM)
 Author(s): J-Y Shieh, Y-L Liao, W-C Huang, K-H Lin
[PDF File (464 KB)] - [Abstract]  

 Title: Developing a mathematical model for cooperative MIMO communication at wireless sensor network
 Special Issue: Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)
 Author(s): A. al Tariq, S. Arefin
[PDF File (549 KB)] - [Abstract]  

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