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Acceptance Rate: 58%
Title: | A Local WBC System Operating Across a University Campus |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | I. Ganchev, Z. Ji, D. Meere, M. O'Droma |
[PDF File (464 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Exploration of Co-Relation between Depression and Anaemia in Pregnant Women using Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Algorithms and Tools |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Health Informatics (JSHI) |
Author(s): | F. Ahmed, A. Sitara |
[PDF File (374 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Fast Block Direction Prediction for Directional Transforms |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | G. Beltrao, J. Leon, R. Arthur, Y. Iano |
[PDF File (919 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Relaying Schemes for Improving Coverage and Capacity In cellular system with Selectable User Equipment |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) |
Author(s): | O. E. Hassan |
[PDF File (370 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | A Digitally Controlled Low Voltage Variable Gain Amplifier with Constant Return Loss |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM) |
Author(s): | S. Hamedi-Hagh, M. Y. Siddiqui, M. Singh, S. Ardalan |
[PDF File (1,541 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Nonlinear Model Identification for Inverter of AMB-Flywheel System |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Mechatronics (JMTC) |
Author(s): | Y. He, K. Nonami |
[PDF File (771 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Prototype of 5.8 GHz Wireless Power Transmission System for Electric Vehicle System |
Special Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE) |
Author(s): | Chang-Jun Ahn |
[PDF File (398 KB)] - [Abstract] | |